Futuro de Bolivia S.A. AFP has developed an application for mobile devices to facilitate access to our services. This is a tool that is used to access the most recurrent queries that AFP Pensioners, Employers and Insured users have, safely, easily and immediately.
Among the services provided by the application are:
• Local Authentication (Fingerprint, FaceID).
• State of Savings.
• Certificate of No Registration.
• Certificate of No Debt.
• Notification mailbox.
• Procedures requirements.
• Deadlines for payments.
• Our addresses.
• Experience Control through facial recognition.
• Status of Provisional Biometric Savings.
• Biometric Payment Tickets.
It has the objective of optimizing time avoiding unnecessary queues and queues in our offices.
In order to access the personalized services, it is necessary that you have your username and password, which you must obtain in our offices distributed nationwide or through our website in the case of Policyholders.